Automotive leather is a sustainable choice发布日期:2020-03-26

People are increasingly aware of the long-term effect and impact their behavior, consumption and lifestyle have on the world we live in. Reducing the environmental footprint, improving human welfare and striving for long-term economic growth are key for a brighter future for our planet and people. Automotive leather fits perfectly in that sustainable tomorrow.

Using a by-product from the food industry, automotive leather producers convert waste into renewable material. Leather production provides sustainable economic value and, in turn, generates new by-products that stimulate growth in other sectors. The production itself takes place under the most stringent health and safety conditions and external parties regularly audit tanneries. Yet, the automotive leather industry itself claims a frontrunner position when it comes to sustainable production methods and chemical use to reduce the environmental impact, because the real drive for change starts within. Automotive leather producers extend their efforts to the whole supply chain, by closely working with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to find holistic solutions over the entire life cycle of our leather products and its by-products.

Therefore, many modern tanneries embrace future proof innovations that keep them ahead of the game:

State-of-the art water treatment facilities, that purify the effluent water from leather production so it can go straight back into nature, clean and free of waste or harmful substances.

Extensive research, development and sustainability departments that make sure hazards are minimized and low-impact process chemicals are used, even opting for water- or bio-based chemicals, that offer a sustainable alternative without compromising on performance.

Working with innovative technologies and machinery that improve process efficiency and use responsibly sourced energy (like wind or solar panels). These efforts reduce the environmental footprint of the tanning process.

These are just a few examples from an industry on the move. They are all part of a journey towards a more sustainable future that is better for our products, people and the planet itself.
